Do you get bored with your hair and want to change it? If you don’ want to make a permanent change and you are interested in different hairstyles, here is a complete guide to you. Black women have a lot of problems with air, their hair is generally thought that it is difficult to shape. But actually, it is not hard to be stylish. You can create gorgeous hairstyle in just few steps.
There are some easy hairstyles idea:
If you are preparing to a special night or occasion, wearing bun can be an easy option for you. But here is new idea, you can make your bun with braids. You can plait your hair completely and then you can wear bun. Another idea plaiting only a part of your hair and then making bun. Bun with braids looks absolutely gorgeous.
Here is another example of bun with braided hair. But differently, the hair is made with backcombing. Despite the fact that it is not common use backcombing for black women, it is obvious that it looks so stylish in that kind of hairstyle.
Big braid bun! Even though it looks that it is difficult to make, actually it is one of the easiest hairstyle model. All you need to obtain small black pin. Plait your hair as usual and then wear a bun. If you think your hair is not intensive as the picture, you can get help from unnatural extra hair which you can find at cosmetics shops easily.
Go natural! Black women already have beautiful hair and with the help of special hair care products and black hair’s comb, you can make natural afro hair. Firstly, comb your hair and then use hair care products. But avoid using oily products on your hair. Lastly, backcomb your hair and make some crepes. You can use hair spray to fix it.
You do not need use your hair with its curls. Comb your hair and then fix it with small black pins. You can create many models with this method. But do not forget to using spray at this method.
Make African style bangs in just few steps. If you like using your hair curly but you do not like unwanted deformation on your hair, here is an idea. Make a bun your hair excluding front part of it. Then try to make as curly as possible. After you obtain right shape, fix it with hair spray.
In just three steps, make retro hair. Retro style hair fits well with every woman. Black women also can try that model. Bun your all hair excluding front side. Then tease yours with the help of crepe comb and fix it. Use a scarf –especially red one- to obtain complete retro style.
If you like braid and bun combination, there is another idea. Messy buns are as induvial liked a lot by black women. You can also make one side-messy burn with braided. It is definitely unusual and should try.
These are another easy-to-make hairstyles: