[tps_header]Let your natural hair take a break with an array of crochet braid hairstyles. Crochet braids are hair extensions that are stitched into your own hair with a needle. Crochet braid hairstyles were very popular back in the 90s and now it is coming back again. So how do you create a crochet braid hairstyle and how long does it take? Create rows of cornrows with your entire hair.
Use a crochet needle to insert your hair. Pull the needle well until a hoop is created. Place the hair through the loop with the tails on one side. Your natural hair has now been braided. This is a hairstyle that takes a pretty long time to perform, however, it looks unique and beautiful.
Once your hair has been braided, it can last for around 2 months or so with care. These kinds of hairstyles are typical among the black but are now used among white as well.[/tps_header]

Source: crochetbraidsaddict.tumblr.com
Source: naturalhairrules.com
Source: crochetbraidsbytwana.com
Source: goddessbraids.net
Source: crochetbraidsaddict.tumblr.com
Source: stylendesigns.com
Source: shanghaiglam.myshopify.com
Source: ebay.com
Source: blackhair.about.com
Source: naturallycurly.com
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: instagram.com
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: blackgirllonghair.com
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: youtube.com
Source: therighthairstyles.com
Source: shorthaircutsforblackwomen.com
Source: styleinhair.com
Source: prettydesigns.com
Source: m.yelp.com
Source: m.dhgate.com
Source: blackhairinformation.com
Source: hairextensionsremy.co.uk
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: websta.me
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: Uploaded by user
Source: websta.me
Source: yeahsexyweaves.tumblr.com
Source: instagram.com
Source: blackhairinformation.com
Source: indulgy.com
Source: instagram.com
Source: blackhairstyles.stupidskillz.com