If you are looking for an awesome new style and one that will help preserve your hair long-term, then you need to try braid-style feeds. This is the kind of style you’re going to love because not only is it creative and lovely, but it’s a perfect way to preserve your hair.

With hair extensions, the style is created, so it’s not just your hair involved. Near the roots, the extensions are fed into each braid. What this does is give you a much larger length than you began with. You will add to your hair thickness, length, and even a fresh new color. After all, why not try a colored version if you are adding extensions, so give your look pop.
For months on end, these cool looking braids will provide you with a great style. Why wouldn’t you want to check it out? These braid feeds are referred to as an “invisible braid,” which is in itself very cool. The reason it’s called this is that it gives you a natural look that you can eventually call your own.
When these braid feeds are produced, different types of braids are often used, the most common being cornrows. The kind of braid you want to wear for your artistic look is up to you. For this style, the best part is that it’s defensive.